MFG Products Process API - Implementation Template

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Data mappings

This document provides information generated from the DataWeave scripts included in the project, such as function definitions, variable definitions, and data mapping tables.

update-externalId-source-systemUpdate External Id for Source System Mapping
update-external-id-to-productUpdate Product External Id Mapping


Update External Id for Source System Mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/update-externalId-source-system.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps External Id for Source sytem to Update Product

SourceExternal Id FieldsDescription
externalIdspayload.externalIdsThe External Id of External Id type - MDM
idpayload.externalIds.externalIdThe External Id of the Source System
priceBookEntrypriceBookEntryPrice Book Entry
productCategoryproductCategoryProduct Category
productCatalogproductCatalogProduct Catalog
externalSourceRecordexternalSourceRecordRecord of External Source

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Update Product External Id Mapping

Source: ./src/main/resources/dwl/update-external-id-to-product.dwl

Mapping Tables

Maps External Id to Update Product

ProductExternal Id FieldsDescription
sourceSystem.idnullThe Id of Source System
sourceSystem.externalIdsIncommingPayload.externalIds.externalIdThe External Id of the Source System
sourceSystem.externalIdType.idnullThe id of externalId Type
sourceSystem.externalIdType.namesourceSystemThe Name of External Id Type of Source System
sourceSystem.statusVALIDThe status of Source System
MDM.idnullThe Id of MDM system
MDM.externalIdsproductsmdmIdThe External Id of the MDM System
MDM.externalIdType.idnullThe id of externalId Type
MDM.externalIdType.nameMDMThe Name of External Id Type of MDM System
MDM.statusVALIDThe status of MDM System

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OrganizationMulesoft Inc.
Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onOct 27, 2023
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